CT Logistics is a member of CSMCP
Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals fosters growth, education, and development
Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) Values
CSCMP Vision / Mission Statement: “To lead the supply chain profession by connecting, developing, and educating the world’s logistics and supply chain management professionals throughout their careers"
As a professional not-for-profit organization, the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals holds these values:
- We operate with the highest standards of integrity.
- We are dedicated to professional development.
- We are an inclusive organization.
- We champion thought leadership and innovation.
- We offer knowledge and expertise of the highest quality.
- Provide leadership in developing, defining, understanding & enhancing the supply chain management profession on a global basis.
• Expand CSCMP’s global presence and visibility
• Provide and promote a world class and unique professional certification program
• Be a source of high-quality information
• Identify future trends as it relates to the supply chain management profession and respond with flexibility as appropriate
- Enhance member value through education, research, networking, communication and services CSCMP provides to its members
- Retain and recruit members
• Provide and promote:
– Successful global roundtables
– High quality education to improve the profession and benefit our members
– High quality research to improve the profession and benefit our members
– High quality networking opportunities to benefit our members
• Market and communicate effectively with all constituents